semlan / the semla

På tisdag är det semledagen, fettisdagen (!), i svenska matbutiker, konditorier och i svensk media kan man skåda dessa gräddbullar i all oändlighet, faktiskt sedan 2-3 veckor tillbaka. Vi har redan proppat i oss två Semlor här hemma, Selma herself också givetvis som brukar få mattes rester av vispgrädden som hon älskar. Att Selma älskar semlor är väl inget konstigt, eller? >u<
Semlan har blivit ett svenskt nationalfenomen i vår djuprotade fikakultur, kardemummabullen med mumsig mandelmassa gömd under lagom mycket grädde ligger nära hjärtat i den lilla svensken som finns kvar i mig. Personligen tycker jag att lagom är nog av den riktiga varan men såhär svart (och grått) på vitt med Selmish minisarna i farten kan jag inte få nog! Vi på Selmish gillar sötsaker och semlan är värd att prisas lite mer! Semla in your face, Selma godkänd sötsak!
This comming Tuesday is the Semla day, fat-tuesday (!), in Swedish supermarkets, bakeries and in Swedsh media you can watch these cream buns into infinity, actually sice 2-3 weeks back. We've already stuffed ourselfs with two semla here at home, Selma herself also, ofcourse, she ususally gets mommy's leftovers of whipped cream which she loves. That Selma loves semla isnt that weird is it? >u<
The semla has become a Swedish national phenomenon in our deep-rooted fika culture*, the cardamum bun with yummy marzipan hidden under just enough whipped cream is close to heart in the little Swede that is still inside of me. Personally I feel enough is enough of the real thing but here black (and gray) on white with the Selmish minis doing mischeif I can't get enough! Here at Selmish we like sweets and the semla is worthy of some more praise! Semla in your face, Selma-approved sweet!
* Fika is a important part of Swedish every-day life, fika is culture. Fika is all possible snack between and after breakfast, lunch, dinner and sleepingtime mostly enjoyed with friends, co-workers or family. Fika is all from bakery sweets and sandwiches to fruits together with some drink, mostly coffe but also tea, juices, a smoothie or just a glass of milk. Nowadays people enjoy more healthier fika then in the older days - lucky you greenie! Just one more semla, no? π_π
