snappy post hunden / snappy the post dog

Selmish blog handlar inte bara om Selmish stuff, genuina "fynd-shopaholics" som vi är så kan vi bara inte sitta och hålla inne med alla roliga och braiga grejjer vi hittar där ute i surfandet. Då vi inte bara älskar hundar utan också design och mode, japansk populärkultur med manga- och anime i fokus och vidare lever för innovation och nytänkade så tyckte vi att Selmish blog måste inkludera dessa intressen utöver vad själva selmish är! Våra inspirationskällor är många men alla är ändå noga utvalda, vi är kräsna med både look och kvalitet både vad gäller Selmish produkter men även hur vi har det hemma bakom stängda dörrar. Med en pedantisk matte, en minimalist till husse och en hund med storhetsvansinne så blir det nog så.. +u+
Då Sverige är ett relativt tråkigt land så shoppar vi mycket online från utlandet och vi har massor av tips hur och var man hittar snygga grejjer och även hur man sniffar fram fynd! Något vi verkligen vill göra är att visa upp intressanta saker för hundägare men även saker för er som hittat in i den japanska populärkulturen och såklart för er som gillar clean modern design! "Selmish recommends:" kallar vi denna kategori och så fort vi fyndat något som vi tror ni kan vara intresserade av så lovar vi att visa upp det här i bloggen! Hoppas ni ska hitta inspiration!
För ett tag sedan hittade jag en liten filur på ÖB för 69sek. Skamligt pris, det var en Chi Chi Love vavva! Hur denne hamnade på överskottsbolaget kan man ju fundera över. För er som inte känner till Chi Chi Love så släppte tyska leksaksföretaget Simba, mitt i Tinkerbellhysterin, en leksaks kollektion bestående av mjukisminihundar med väskor, kläder och accessoarer för småflickor att leka med.
Mitt fynd var en "Sweet Snappy", en 13cm minivavva i äkta Selma-färg som dessutom kan gå genom att man vrider om vridnyckeln som sitter i sidan – precis som man gjorde på lekasakerna förr! Sweet Snappy är inte en sådan leksak ungar gosar med i sängen precis (vilket lär vara orsaken till att jag hittade ett gäng undanslängda i en korg på ÖB till extrapris) men detta är en perfekt leksak till vår brokiga samling av kawaii prylar! Här hemma fungerar Snappy som post-hund när matte och husse skickar meddelanden över skrivbordet: skriv meddelande, fäst lappen i scarfen, skruva upp, rikta och släpp – kanon! Chi Chi Love's miss blev Selmish hit! En leksak värd att ha för alla minihundälskare. We love innovation. Yes.

Selmish blog isn't all about Selmish stuff, as the genuine "bargain-shopaholics" we are we really cant keep all the funny and great stuff we find out there surfin to ourselfs! Except that we love dogs we also love design and fashion, Japanese popculture with manga and anime in focus and at the same time breething innovation and new thinking we tought that the Selmish blog should include these interest beyond what Selmish itself is. Our inspiration sources are plenty but all of them are carefully chosed, we are picky about both look and quality concerning the Selmish products but also concerning what we keep behind closed doors. With a mommy being meticulous, a daddy being minimalist and a dog having megalomania I guess that's what happens.. +u+
Though Sweden is a relatively boring country wo shop alot online from abroad and we have loads of tips of how and where you can find nice stuff and also how to sniff up great bargains! Something we really want to share with you guys are interesting stuff för dogowners yes but also for you guys who found the lovable world of Japanese popular culture and, offcourse, stuff for you guys who love clean modern design! We call this category "Selmish recommends:" and as soon as we sniffed up something we think you might find interesting we promise to publish it here in the blog! We hope you'll find inspiration!
Some time ago I found a little rascal at ÖB (Swedish company that sell surplus stocks) for 69sek only. Outrageous price though it was a chi from Chi Chi Love! How this one ended up at ÖB is a interesting thought. To you who are not familiar with Chi Chi Love I can inform you that it is a toy collection of plush teacup dogs with carriers, clothes and accessories for girls to play with, made by the German toy company Simba in the middle of the Tinkerbell hysteria.
My finding was a "Sweet Snappy", a 5 inch mini chi in true Selma color which even can walk by winding it – just like those old mechanic toys! Sweet Snappy isn't really that kind of toy kids would cuddle with while trying to sleep (which might be the reason why I found a gang thrown in a basket at ÖB on sale) but it's surley a perfect toy for our whimsical collection of kawaii stuff! Here at home Snappy serves as our post dog when mommy and daddy send messages cross the desk: write message, attach to the scarf, wind up, aim and release – awesome! Chi Chi love's failure became Selmish hit! A toy worthy to be bought by all teacup dog lovers! We love innovation. Yes.
Though Sweden is a relatively boring country wo shop alot online from abroad and we have loads of tips of how and where you can find nice stuff and also how to sniff up great bargains! Something we really want to share with you guys are interesting stuff för dogowners yes but also for you guys who found the lovable world of Japanese popular culture and, offcourse, stuff for you guys who love clean modern design! We call this category "Selmish recommends:" and as soon as we sniffed up something we think you might find interesting we promise to publish it here in the blog! We hope you'll find inspiration!
Some time ago I found a little rascal at ÖB (Swedish company that sell surplus stocks) for 69sek only. Outrageous price though it was a chi from Chi Chi Love! How this one ended up at ÖB is a interesting thought. To you who are not familiar with Chi Chi Love I can inform you that it is a toy collection of plush teacup dogs with carriers, clothes and accessories for girls to play with, made by the German toy company Simba in the middle of the Tinkerbell hysteria.
My finding was a "Sweet Snappy", a 5 inch mini chi in true Selma color which even can walk by winding it – just like those old mechanic toys! Sweet Snappy isn't really that kind of toy kids would cuddle with while trying to sleep (which might be the reason why I found a gang thrown in a basket at ÖB on sale) but it's surley a perfect toy for our whimsical collection of kawaii stuff! Here at home Snappy serves as our post dog when mommy and daddy send messages cross the desk: write message, attach to the scarf, wind up, aim and release – awesome! Chi Chi love's failure became Selmish hit! A toy worthy to be bought by all teacup dog lovers! We love innovation. Yes.
c h e c k ..