anime tips: skip beat!

SERIE: Skip Beat!, スキップ・ビート!
GENRES: Shoujo, comedy, drama, romance
WRITER: Yoshiki Nakamura
YEAR: 2008-2009
STORY: Kyoko followed her true love and childhood friend Sho to Tokyo so she could help him reach his dream of becoming an idol. She cleans, cooks, works three jobs and does nothing for herself because she loves him so much, but gets nothing in return. Still, she remains by his side. But then one day she goes unannounced to his agency with a delivery, and overhears him talking about her; he reveals to his manager that he only took her with him as a maid, and that he doesn't care for her at all. Upon hearing this, Kyoko doesn't just sit around and cry. She cuts and dyes her hair, changes her clothes and attitude and thus begins her journey to join showbiz and have her revenge against Sho.

Brukar inte gilla revenge stories men Skip beat! är så full av humor att storyn om Kyokos olycka vs. lycka blir beroende-framkallande! Gillar skarpt de där "psykologiska" bitarna där hennes känslor och tankar framstår som snackande hjärnspöken när situationen blir ansträngd, och de där otroligt dramatiska uttrycken när det sprutar känslor både till höger och vänster. Tycker också att storyn får en väldigt sjysst sväng när hämndmotiven mer och mer suddas ut då Kyoko mognar, hennes naturliga självsäkerhet och gömda skills framträder mer och mer – tjejjen är ju som skapad for showbiz!
Hon lyckas ta igen sitt liv efter Sho's utnyttjande, utvecklas i showbiz branschen tack vare LME och får även tillfälle att ta igen High School. Plus för en lagom söt love story också som växer fram samtidigt som huvudkaraktären finner sig själv. Me like.
I usually don't like revenge stories but Skip Beat! is so full of humour making the story about Kyoko's unluck vs. luck into an addiction! I really like those psychological parts where her thoughts and feelings are revealed as talking "brain ghosts" when the situation gets too strained, and those unbelievably dramatic expressions where feeling are "thrown" everywhere. The story gets a very nice twist when those revenge intentions fade more and more while Kyoko mature, her natural assurance and hidden skills are revealed – the girl is made for showbiz!
She succeed to get her life back together after Sho's abuse, develop in the showbiz area thanks to LME and even get the opportunity to catch up with High School. A plus for the natural love story that develops while the main character is finding herself. Me like.
We give it.. 3 of 5 selmish faces! = GOOD

w a t c h..
r e a d..
one manga
Postat av: Hina-chan
Åh jag älskar Skip Beat!
En av de bästa anime's jag sett ;P