domo sparkad / domo kicked
Såg Domo-kun. Han verkade vara lite uttråkad för plötsligt gick han fram till en random Naruto kille, med en pinne i handen, och muckade gräl. Todde nästan det skulle bli blodigt men Domo fick ge upp, han blev hotad och fick en spark i baken. Tror han klara sig ändå så don't worry, såg honom krama Foki lite senare (som var iklädd en rosa maidklänning) – han är nog lite ecchi den där Domo-kun.. Men vad ska man förvänta sig av en luddig kartong som bor i en grotta, kollar på tv och fiser sönder djur?
I saw Domo-kun. He seemed to be bored cause suddenly he went to a random Naruto guy, with a stick in his hand and picked a fight. I almost thought it would get bloody but Domo had to give up, got threatened and his ass kicked. I think he's alright though so don't worry, saw him hugging Foki later (who was dressed in a pink maid dress) – guess he's kinda ecchi that Domo-kun.. But what could one expect of a furry box living in a cave, watching tv and fart animals to pieces?
I saw Domo-kun. He seemed to be bored cause suddenly he went to a random Naruto guy, with a stick in his hand and picked a fight. I almost thought it would get bloody but Domo had to give up, got threatened and his ass kicked. I think he's alright though so don't worry, saw him hugging Foki later (who was dressed in a pink maid dress) – guess he's kinda ecchi that Domo-kun.. But what could one expect of a furry box living in a cave, watching tv and fart animals to pieces?