lördagshemlisar / saturday secrets
Lördag igen, förstår inte vart alla dagar tar vägen! Allt med hemsidan står still för att Selmish genomgått en identitetskris. Vill vi verkligen hålla på med illustration på en marknad som har sådan konkurens eller än värre, tycker manga är "barngrejjer"? Svar nej. Inte i första hand i allafall. Selmish Shirts stod på listan men Spreadshirt är mycket begränsat, pallar inte våra tryck.. Därför håller vi på med plan B just nu (eller var det plan C?)! Plan B, aka "Project Fuji", är spikat till att ha sin release i höst och det är få som vet vad det är frågan om. Nu känns det som vi hittat vår grej, en grej som dessutom kan innefatta allt det där andra vi gör och vill göra i framtiden! Oj, oj, oj vad roligt det är med hemlisar! ÜuÜ
Saturday again, don't understand, where do alll those days go? Everything with the website is standing still though Selmish been trhough an identity crisis, Do we really want to do illustrations on a market with such competition, or even worse, saying manga is "kids stuff"? Answer no. Not as "the" thing atleast. Selmish Shirts where on the list but Spreadshirt is limited, they can't handel our prints.. Therefor we're on to plan B right now (or was it plan C?)! Plan P, aka "Project Fuji", is set to have it's release in the early fall and few is thre who know what it's about. Now it feels like we've found our thing, a thing that also can include all those other stuff we do and want to do in the future! Oh my, my, how fun it is with secrets! ÜuÜ
Saturday again, don't understand, where do alll those days go? Everything with the website is standing still though Selmish been trhough an identity crisis, Do we really want to do illustrations on a market with such competition, or even worse, saying manga is "kids stuff"? Answer no. Not as "the" thing atleast. Selmish Shirts where on the list but Spreadshirt is limited, they can't handel our prints.. Therefor we're on to plan B right now (or was it plan C?)! Plan P, aka "Project Fuji", is set to have it's release in the early fall and few is thre who know what it's about. Now it feels like we've found our thing, a thing that also can include all those other stuff we do and want to do in the future! Oh my, my, how fun it is with secrets! ÜuÜ