new figma- from Bakemonogatari!
Bakemonogatari is the 1st light novel by Nisio Isin which was adapted to anime. The writer thinks it is one of his best works. Many people love it but many people complain they couldn't understand the novel and it's totally weird. That's becasue they focus too much on the story. This anime fully concentrates on jokes, coversations and psychological description. Especially for jokes, somtimes, the story or plot has to be sacrificed or stopped. So, when you focus on its jokes and converstions the anime, I bet you'll fall in love with it!
The Hitagi Senjougahara figma is made by Masaki Asai of Max Factory. You'll find it on Okaeri later today or tomorrow. Welcome to Okaeri!!!

The Hitagi Senjougahara figma is made by Masaki Asai of Max Factory. You'll find it on Okaeri later today or tomorrow. Welcome to Okaeri!!!
