new GSC figure-tenshi

Angel beats is nice:D
Men hallå!
Varför skriver ni på engelska helt plötsligt?
Why do you write in Swedish suddenly?
I thought this would be a Swedish site!
There are already enough English-writted manga websites..
I'm from Sweden and I'm not so good in English so it's quite annoying.
i mean, write in English*
Anyway, I like that figure :)
Det är svensk sida. Det är bara det att Cong inte är så bra på svenska har jag läst någon gång förut.
Jag gillar att hon har vingar! Önskar bara att det vore Dark från D.N.Angel. eller Yue från Cardcaptor Sakura, då skulle jag kasta mig över dom. ^o^~♥ Men snygg ändå! :D God jul på er ni som jobbar med denna sida! Tack för att ni startat Okaeri!
Till Sara,
This is a Swedish site and I want to write in Sweidsh too. But my Swedish is really terrible, for I came from China. We only have 2 people who work for Okaeri, I and Sophia. Sophia's a swedish and she took care of our blog before. That's why all our blog were in Swedish. But now she's very busy, I began to blog here too. Even it's not very often, she still trys to write some blog sometimes. Sorry for that anyways! Hope we'll be able to write all in Swedish in the future when Okaeri's bigger!
Sophia's in charge of Okaeri Facebook now. Everything is in Swedish, on our facebook page. If you're interested in news of Okaeri, you may join our facebook. The page is!/pages/okaerise/128206363895185
P.S. I normally leave my name when I blog. So you could see whose blog it is.
God Jul!
Till Andrea,
Thank you very much for your explanation! It's very good.^_^
Gud Jul!
I'm not that familiar with Angel Beats o: But it's a really pretty figure ^^
Jag älskar Angel Beats, och Angel är jättesöt här.
Hihi, jag har beställt den.