anime tips : fruits basket

SERIE: Fruits Basket, フルーツバスケット
GENRES: Shoujo, school life, comedy, drama, romance, harem, supernatural
WRITER: Natsuki Takaya
YEAR: 2001
STORY: Tohru Honda is 16 year old orphaned girl who gets invited to live in the house of her classmate, the handsome boy Sohma Yuki, and his cousins, 16 year old Kyo and 27 year old Shigure. However, these young men and parts of the rest of their family hold a curse; if they are hugged by the opposite gender, they transform into animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Everyday is an adventure for sweet Tohru, as she gets to know everyone in the large family better (especially Yuki and Kyo), in both common and bizarre situations. But, the Sohma Family curse is certainly no laughing matter... it also holds horrible cruelity and heartbreak.

Fruits Basket var en av de första hela anime serierna jag såg. Jag fastnade för det där lugna och harmoniska Honda spred omkring sig. Honda Tohru är ödmjuk, för ödmjuk enligt min mening, men hon lyckas ta sig in under skalet på den cursade familjen Sohma och faktiskt rädda den med sin optimistiska personlighet. Fruits Basket är en typisk "tjej serie", men Hondas klumpighet och det omvända haremet med en massa killar som slåss om hennes omsorg gör det hela rätt kul för vem som helst. Men än idag måste jag säga att det knappt finns någon annan serie som lämnar en sådan mjuk och behaglig känsla efter sig som denna.
Fruits Basket was one of the first whole anime series I watched. I got captured by that calm and harmonious atmosphere Honda spread around her. Honda Tohru is humble, too humble if I'd say it, but she succeds to get under the skin of the cursed Sohma family and actually save it with her optimistic personality. Fruits Basket is a typical "girl serie", but Honda's clumsiness and the reversed harem with a lot of guys fighting for her care makes it kinda fun for anyone though. Still today I must say there is hardly no other serie that leave such a soft and pleasant feeling like this one.
We give it.. 3 of 5 selmish faces! = GOOD

w a t c h..
r e a d..
one manga
Postat av: filippaa'
hejhej, allt bra? :)