anime tips: toradora!

SERIE: Toradora!, とらドラ!
GENRES: Shoujo, school life, comedy, drama, romance
WRITER: Yuyuko Takemiya
YEAR: 2008-2009
STORY: Despite Ryuuji Takasu's gentle personality, his eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent so he is utterly hopeless about his chances of getting a girlfriend anytime soon, and does not have many close friends either. After being greeted by his hungover mother in the morning, Ryuuji goes to school and is happy to find that he gets to be in the same class as his best friend Yūsaku Kitamura and crush Minori Kushieda. However, it is then that he unexpectedly knocks into "the school's most dangerous animal of the highest risk level" — Taiga Aisaka — who just happens to also be in his class, and is a good friend of Minori.

Toradora! är en "perfa" serie, mer rolig än söt och pasar både killar och tejjer. Jag fastnade för storyn på stört, tyckte Taiga var en otroligt intressant figur, så frånstötande aggresiv the "palm top tiger" men samtidigt så liten, sårbar och ensam. Och Ryuuji som utan en min tar hand om sin alkoholiserade mamma, lagar mat och städar samtidigt som han pluggar för att komma in på universitet. De två ogillar varandra till en början men båda är också experter på att stöta bort folk, Ryuuji med sitt utseende och Taiga med sitt humör, men genom diverse prövningar vänds Ryuujis och Taigas hatkärlek till ovärderlig vänskap och kärlek. Toradora! känns verklighetstrogen och aktuell, satt klistrad framför skärmen varje vecka hela säsongen. Matte väntar ivrigt på en andra säsong!
Toradora! is a "perf" serie, more fun than it is cute and suit both girls and guys. The story caught me at once, I felt Taiga was a extremly interesting character, so repulsive and aggressive the "palm top tiger" but yet so small, vulnerable and lonely. And Ryuuji taking care of his alcoholic mom, cooking and cleaning and at the same time studying for university. The two disslike each other at first but both of them are also experts in pushing people away, Ryuuji with his looks and Taiga with her mood, but through several hardships their love-hatred is turned to priceless friendship and love. Toradora! feels realistic and current, I was stuck in front of the screen every week through the entire season. Mommy is eagerly waiting for a second season!
We give it.. 5 of 5 selmish faces! = PERFECT

w a t c h..
r e a d..
one manga
Postat av: Tilda-Chan :3
Åh, Toradora är så bra! Älskar verkligen den serien, har en härlig handling och mycket humor :D