foki by selmish
2005 backpackade jag i Thailand för första gången, jag tror det var där min passion för japaninspererat mode och asiatiska småpryttlar blossade upp riktigt ordentligt. Bangkok är en farlig plats för folk med shopaholic gener!
Glömde att lägga upp illustartionen jag gjorde till Foki förra året. Funderar fortfarande på en Foki manga..
Can't sleep. What to do when you can't sleep and are too tired to look for blog subjects? Checking Foki's blog.
Some kind of drug that blog "what have Foki done today I wonder?". But isn't matte to old having a Foki-fever? Maybe, but somehow I travel 5-6 years back in time when I read about her everyday life, how one used to think, what one used to dream about. Those years one still didnt have to be an adult. *k*
In 2005 I was backpacking in Thailand for the first time, I think it was there and then my passion for Japan inspired fashion and asian stuff broke loose for real. Bangkok is a dangerous place for ppl with shopaholic genes!
Forgot to put up the illustration I did for Foki last year. I'm still thinking of a Foki manga..
! For you non-Swedes, Foki is a famous Thai/Swedish teenage blogger.
vilken cool bild :D