den gammalmodiga svensken / the old-fashioned swede
Blev dissad nu i veckan, för att jag gör manga. "Funkar inte i tryck", "funkar inte för målgruppen".. Hm.. Tryck skulle funka utan problem och målgruppen var alla åldrar: gammal som ung, alla olika slags grupper: från katolska nunnor till bikers. Som grafisk formgivare, och vidare frilansare, stöter man på många konstiga och udda situationer. Snabbjobb, fria händer, stram budget. Clear. Men ibland visar det sig plötsligt dock att man inte alls hade fria händer och att budjeten inte alls var så stram, man kunde t o m hyra in en andra frilansare för att sopa undan problemet man själv skapade p g a dålig kommunikation och ett kluvet sinne! Men den gammalmodiga svensken får en faktura på måndag.
Jag gör manga, thats it. `n´
Got dissed this week, because I do manga. "Doesn't work in print", "Doesn't work for the target group".. Hm.. Print would work without any serious problem and the target group was all kinds of ages: old as young, all kinds of groups: from catholic nuns to bikers. As a Graphic designer, aswell as a freelancer, you experince a lot of weird and odd situations. Stress jobs, free hands, tight budget. Clear. Still sometimes it's suddenly revealed one didn't have free hands at all and that the budget wasn't that tight at all either! In fact the customer could actually even hire a second freelancer to wipe away the problem he self caused due to poor communication and a split mind. But the old-fashioned Swede gets a invoice on monday.
I do manga, thats it. `n´

Jag gör manga, thats it. `n´
Got dissed this week, because I do manga. "Doesn't work in print", "Doesn't work for the target group".. Hm.. Print would work without any serious problem and the target group was all kinds of ages: old as young, all kinds of groups: from catholic nuns to bikers. As a Graphic designer, aswell as a freelancer, you experince a lot of weird and odd situations. Stress jobs, free hands, tight budget. Clear. Still sometimes it's suddenly revealed one didn't have free hands at all and that the budget wasn't that tight at all either! In fact the customer could actually even hire a second freelancer to wipe away the problem he self caused due to poor communication and a split mind. But the old-fashioned Swede gets a invoice on monday.
I do manga, thats it. `n´

Postat av: monc
De va grymt snyggt. Jag förstår att det tog tid med tanke på alla gator. ;) Men du gjorde ett bra jobb.