sthlms neverending gator / sthlms never ending streets
Sitter men en beställd illustration, det är en karta över Stockholms city som ska täcka 9 st torg, inför ett event. Matte är uppvuxen i förorts-Stockholm, sure har hon någe koll över huvudstadens gator men detta är sjukt! Alla dessa gator, streck för streck som tillsammans ska bli en fin liten vektor bild.. - "Ahmen hallå, skaffa en färdig vektoriserad karta!" säger du, - IwI, säger jag. Kosta multum AB.
Alla fina små frilansare jobbar på söndagar med never ending vektor gator ätandes Päron-splitt.
Men rätt kul är det ändå..
Sitting with an ordered illustration, it's a map over Stockholms city which will cover 9 squares, for an event. Mommy is raised in suburb-Stockholm, sure she has some kind of idea about the capital's streets but this is sick! All these streets, stroke by stroke that together are supposed to become a nice little vector illustration. -"But hey, get a finished vector map!" you say - IwI, says I. Cost multiple INC.
All nice little freelances work Sundays with never ending vector streets eating Päron-splitt (a Swedish ice cream).
But it's kinda fun though..

Alla fina små frilansare jobbar på söndagar med never ending vektor gator ätandes Päron-splitt.
Men rätt kul är det ändå..
Sitting with an ordered illustration, it's a map over Stockholms city which will cover 9 squares, for an event. Mommy is raised in suburb-Stockholm, sure she has some kind of idea about the capital's streets but this is sick! All these streets, stroke by stroke that together are supposed to become a nice little vector illustration. -"But hey, get a finished vector map!" you say - IwI, says I. Cost multiple INC.
All nice little freelances work Sundays with never ending vector streets eating Päron-splitt (a Swedish ice cream).
But it's kinda fun though..
