anime tips : one piece

SERIE: One Piece, ワンピース
GENRES: Adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, shonen
CREATOR: Eiichiro Oda
YEAR: 1999-?
STORY: Before he was executed, the legendary Pirate King Gold Roger revealed that he had hidden the treasure One Piece somewhere in the Grand Line. Now, many pirates are off looking for this legendary treasure to claim the title Pirate King. Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who had eaten the Devil's Fruit and gained rubber powers decides to leave home, search for the treasure and become the next pirate king. Along the road he makes new friends, some join his pirate crew and together "The strawhat pirates" travel from place to place, facing challanges and fighting enemies while trying to reach their dreams.

Första gången jag såg ett avsnitt av One Piece var i Kina. Husse satt klistrad framför episod 340 (!) där Usopp, Nami och Chopper livrädda springer omkring på Thriller Bark och skriker med en massa zoombies i hälarna. My reaction: †_† = fööör mycket. Det tog ett tag innan jag bestämde mig för att börja följa animen och idag kan jag bara säga som husse: One Piece är ett genialiskt mästerverk! Den genomtänkta storyn, de 100-tals olika karaktärerna och det jag gillar mest: de känsligare delarna, där man faktiskt sitter och grinar mellan alla de andra knäppa och roliga delarna. Observera att mangan (i Japan) har pågått sedan 1997 – över 10 år och nya fans joinar fortfarande. Du bara måste se! Om inte annat för allmänbildning! ˙u˙
Här väntar vi garanterat varje vecka på nästa episode.
The first time I watched an One Piece episode was in China. Daddy was totally into episode no 340 (!) where Usopp, Nami and Chopper freaked out of fear are running around screaming at Thriller Bark with a lot of zoombies in their backs. My reaction: †_† = way too much. It took some time before I decided to actually watch the anime and today I just have to agree with daddy: One Piece is a brilliant masterpiece! The well planned story, the hundreds of different characters and what I like the most: the more sensitive parts, where one actually are weeping between all the other whimsical and fun parts. Also to be mentioned is that the manga (in Japan) has been running since 1997 – more then 10 years and new fans are still joining. You just have to see it! If only for one reason: basic knowledge! ˙u˙
Here we're sure waiting every week for the next episode.
We give it.. 4 of 5 selmish faces! = GREAT

w a t c h..
r e a d..
one manga
manga reader