anime tips: k-on!

SERIE: K-on!, けいおん!
GENRES: Shoujo, seinen, school life, comedy, music
WRITER: Kakifly
YEAR: 2009
STORY: It's Yui Hirasawa's first year in high school, and she's eagerly searching for a club to join. At the same time, Ritsu Tainaka, a drummer, and her friend Mio Akiyama, a bass player, are desperately trying to save the school's light music club, which is about to be disbanded due to lack of members. They manage to recruit Tsumugi Kotobuki to play the keyboard, meaning they only need one more member to get the club running again. Yui joins, thinking it will be an easy experience for her to play the castanets, the only instrument she knows. However, the other members think their new addition is actually a guitar prodigy...

K-on! var en sån där serie jag ville undvika för att "alla" tjatat så mycket om den (märklig som jag är ibland), men så satt jag där tillslut. K-on! är kanon, ännu en "perfa" serie som passar lika bra för killar som för tjejjer, skönt också med en serie HELT utan massa kärleksdraman. Knäppa Yui med sin supersimpla hjärnkapacitet, pigga Ritsu som alltid glömmer viktga grejjer, söta och snälla Mugi som försöker dölja att hon är asrik (och.. lesbisk?!) och favvon Mio, den råsnygga "klubb polisen" som både är blyg och lättskrämd. Kompisgänget och deras mysiga musik/teklubb får än att vilja surfa tillbaka till gymnasietiden, fast i en annan värld då.. ‡¬‡
K-on! soundtrack rullar på här hemma till och från – varför började jag aldrig spela gitarr?
K-on! was one of those series I tried to avoid due to "everyone's" nagging about it (strange, as I am sometimes), but then finally I sat there. K-on! is awesome, yet an other perfect serie that suit both guys and girls, nice with a story totally without andy love drama too. The whimsical Yui with her limited brain capacity, the sharp Ritsu that always forget important matters, the sweet and kind Mugi that tries to hide that she's filthy rich (and.. a lesbian?) and the favourite Mio, the great looking "club police" that is both shy and easily scared. The friends and their cozy music/tea club make me wanna go back to High School, but in an other world.. ‡¬‡
K-on! soundtrack is playing here now and then – why didn't I ever start playing guitarr?
We give it.. 5 of 5 selmish faces! = PERFECT

w a t c h..
r e a d..
one manga
Postat av: Hina-chan
Åh haha K-ON! C:
Yui är så sjukt skön, och Ritsu... älskar hennes panna! ;D