hello kitty ica gashapon
Köpte ett sånt där Hello Kitty Super Surprise gashapon ägg från Sanrio på Ica idag, har sneglat ett tag och tänkt kolla om det fanns något vettigt i. Men det var faktiskt lagom kawaii helt enkelt, du får ett ägg, 4 små Hello kitty stickers, en påse med små godiskulor och en 3cm samlarfigur (+ figurlista) för 16kr – ett helt ok pris enligt min mening!
Man får nöja sig med skrikrosa gashapon ägg med "hallå-katter" i tills annat vetting kommer hit alltså.. @_@
Hm.. vart ska jag sätta stickersena månntro?!
Bought one of those Hello Kitty Super Surprise gashapon eggs from Sanrio at Ica (Swedish supermarket) today, I've been checking these out for some time now and was planning to check out what was inside. But it was enough kawaii in fact, you get a egg, 4 stickers, a bag with small candy balls and a 1.1inch collection figure (+ figure list) all for 16sek ($2.2) – totally ok price!
One have to be pleased with pink gashapon eggs with "hello-kitties" in until other reasonable stuff arrive here.. @_@
Hm.. where should I put the stickers you think?!

Man får nöja sig med skrikrosa gashapon ägg med "hallå-katter" i tills annat vetting kommer hit alltså.. @_@
Hm.. vart ska jag sätta stickersena månntro?!
Bought one of those Hello Kitty Super Surprise gashapon eggs from Sanrio at Ica (Swedish supermarket) today, I've been checking these out for some time now and was planning to check out what was inside. But it was enough kawaii in fact, you get a egg, 4 stickers, a bag with small candy balls and a 1.1inch collection figure (+ figure list) all for 16sek ($2.2) – totally ok price!
One have to be pleased with pink gashapon eggs with "hello-kitties" in until other reasonable stuff arrive here.. @_@
Hm.. where should I put the stickers you think?!
