cheaper way to shop figures
I collect figures and I like figures, but I couldn’t afford all figures I want, so I was looking for cheap figures nearly every day on the internet. It’s very hard to find a cheap figure, and sometimes you have to take a risk to be cheated. Once a time, I shopped 2 One Piece figures on a webshop from Hongkong, and until today, I havn’t seen the 2 figures and my 1000kr again yet. One day, Sophia said to me “Why don’t you run a webshop to sell figures yourself?” This is how Okaeri started.
My dream is that all people in Sweden could buy figures with nice price. But, when I began this business, I found it’s too hard to keep a nice price in Sweden, like 25% moms, 3% of all you pay that we have to pay the bank, etc. For some figures on our shop, I didn’t add any profit. This means sometimes, if only one person shop one figure in one month, we have to pay some money from our own pocket for this figure. But, it is not impossible for you to pay much less for a figure on Okaeri.
I’m trying to figure out a new way of shopping. With this way, you might save 50kr-300kr for a figure, after I roughly count. But we need your trust on us and more work of you and me to fulfill it. If you have any advices, please feel free to tell me!!